Systems of psychodiagnostics of subconsciousness
Subconscious psychodiagnostics: registration and analysis of the EEG in the presentation of figurative and verbal information on the conscious and subliminal level.
Computer systems for automated objective diagnostics of psycho-emotional tension factors on the basis of registration and analysis of evoked EEG-reactions at presentation of verbal and image information of different psychological content.
Due to the fact that the registered reactions (multichannel EEG) are not subject to conscious control, the possibility of arbitrary influence on diagnostic results is excluded, and the data obtained correspond to the structure of subconscious and conscious levels of the psyche.
As the reactions are analyzed by the structural ratios of the EEG in different locations, the results are based on the activity indicators of different brain regions. Since the brain organization is associated with different characteristics of mental processes, it allows for a multidimensional (in the space of psychological categories) assessment of semantic information.

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InterLink Psychophysiological System
Group virtual flight interface, training of team psychological interaction based on physiological indicators.
Technologically effective and efficient tool, the use of which allows to achieve significant success in the training of brain mechanisms, correction of psycho-emotional stress and achieving optimal psychophysical state. For some people it is a means of relaxation and rest, for others - a way to activate and mobilize forces, rapid formation of skills for arbitrary regulation of the state.
The efficiency of the complex is conditioned by the use of bio-control principles in group work, when each member of the group sees its own physiological parameters and adjusts them to the group parameters. Thus, a natural relationship between the degree of expression of certain indicators of human electroencephalogram (EEG) and its psychophysical state is supported in the process of group interaction of training participants and contributes to improving the quality of trained psychological mechanisms. The complex is equipped with developed convenient means of registering brain biopotentials, mapping tools and has special operational capabilities. All training modes, including competitive training, include specialized emotional content. During the training, the range of indicators reflecting the dynamics of each participant's condition is analyzed, such as brain and muscle activity, attention indices, tension, non-productive thinking activity, central control, etc.

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Stressless. Comprehensive diagnosis and correction of stress.
Rhythm-suggestive compensation of anti-stress adaptation mechanisms in the EEG feedback mode
Program complex for prevention and reduction of negative consequences of stress and psycho-emotional tension.
Diagnosis of the state
  • Evaluation of subjective stress severity - Color test.
  • Indicators of mental state - Neurocognitive Master Test.
  • Efficiency of neurophysiological stress regulation - EEG test.
The results of the test are automatically taken into account by the system during the correction programs.
Correction of state
We use the neurocognitive technology of RSC (rhythm-suggetive state compensation). Modes of RSC programs:
  • Stimulation in the EEG neurofeedback circuit
  • Stimulation by pre-created scripts
EEG - training and monitor
The technology of neurofeedback is used. In the training mode, a person works out skills that increase the anti-stress adaptation index. In the monitor mode, the current indicators of the central adaptation mechanisms, the dynamics of their change during anti-stress adaptation procedures are displayed.

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Module Compact. Portable psychophysiological correction and diagnostic system.
Modern diagnostic and correction tools as part of the Module are used for psychological support in "field" and stationary conditions: in the field of duty, in simulated and real space flights, in specialized centers, etc.
The Module implements two main directions in methodological support of psychological support - diagnostics and correction of respondent's condition.

The Module's diagnostic capabilities are aimed at solving problems associated with assessing the respondent's current functional state and the dynamics of its change. The main diagnostic tool is the "Master Test", which allows, based on a combination of different methods, to evaluate various aspects of the respondent's psychophysiological state in a short time. The Module also includes additional psychological and psychophysiological tests and methods of assessment of the actual mental state.

Correction possibilities are based on unique algorithms of rhythm-suggestion, which combine rhythmic light, sound, and verbal suggestion, combined into a single pattern. Organized in this way, regular, repetitive sessions of rhythm-suggestive programs make it possible to quite effectively form stable psychological attitudes and optimize the state.

In addition to rhythm-suggestive effects, the Module uses synchronization of rhythmic effects created by a photo-stimulator and binaural audio-stimulation in the frequency range of electroencephalogram to achieve the required functional state.

The Module allows to perform correction procedures in several modes: rhythmic stimulation in the EEG frequency range, stimulation in the ultra slow oscillations frequency range (USO programs), with and without verbal suggestion.

A unique feature of the module is the automated adjustment of correction programs in accordance with the diagnostic results. This ensures the most effective, individually oriented correction effect.

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Comprehensive system for assessing of maladaptation by hand micro-movements.
For micromotor registration different variants of sensors are used, both separate and included into modern mobile devices. The examination procedure is fully automated.
The system allows analyzing the processes of perception and evaluation of emotionally significant information based on the registration of indicators of hand micromovements. Special organization of research and methods of processing provide obtaining objective data and their psychological interpretation within various conceptual models (motivation analysis, relationship analysis, life style analysis, etc.).

The methodological basis of the system is represented by the method of Associated ideomotor response, implemented on the following principles:
1. Special organization of research, built as a sequence of elementary actions.
2. At each stage of information processing and formation of the motor program of elementary action micro-movements of hands are registered.
3. Spatial trajectories of movements are compared with the stages of action formation and by means of machine learning methods serve for analysis of information processing process at each stage.

Obtained indices characterize the process of information evaluation in the following directions:
Perceptual level (primary perception) - at this level of perception, perceptual systems evaluate physical (brightness, color, etc.) and primary biological characteristics of information (acceptance, rejection, etc.).
Association level (perception) - at this level the information is assessed from the point of view of cognitive schemes, both individual and social (motivation, attitudes, beliefs, etc.).
Cognitive assessment. Stage of brain processing of information from a rational point of view (logical organization of material, utilitarian use, practical significance, etc.).
Emotional evaluation. Evaluation of information according to emotional experience (for example, aesthetic evaluation of information, degree of similarity with emotional objects or situations, emotional significance).
Assertiveness. Indicator of subjective certainty in assessment of information, degree of subjective fluctuations in assessment.

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Neurogame.The system of evaluation of cybersportsmen brain mechanisms.
Registration and assessment of microstates of mental processes of a cybersport player during the game using electroencephalography and evoked potentials.
The system of registration and analysis of activity of different brain regions of eSports during the game and determination of neurophysiological markers of their condition connected with different variants of game activity. Multiparameter analysis of players' brains activity connected with game errors, optimal condition etc. with the purpose of prognosis, correction and training of regulation of brain mechanisms.

The system integrates methods and program modules used for psychophysiological support of various professional activities, where many years of experience in electroencephalogram (EEG) research, analysis and correction of neurophysiological processes related to memory, attention, thinking, visual and motor coordination and other mental functions are realized.
The functionality of the system allows:
  • To analyze the individual characteristics of mental processes (typology)
  • Analyze the dynamics of changes in these processes associated with the activity, time of day, the impact of various life circumstances, etc. (long-term dynamics)
  • Analyze changes in brain activity associated with these processes in specific situations - a mistaken action by one's own or other team members, an unexpected event, an emergency situation, etc. (microdynamics)
To solve the tasks of evaluation and dynamic control of a cybersportsman's state, a neurocognitive test (Master Test) is used in web-implementation, from indices and scales of which a subset is selected, allowing to objectively evaluate the actual state of a cybersportsman at the moment of testing (indicators of self-control, attention, self-regulation, balance, volitional control, etc.).
Special algorithms of Master Test data processing allow to estimate various aspects of brain organization from the point of view of their role in potential improvement of the game quality. They include "resources" - already formed brain mechanisms that contribute to the progress of the game, and "reserves" - mechanisms that are not sufficiently formed, but will have a significant impact on the quality of the game with purposeful development.

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"Instrumental psychological systems". Projects.

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